This study aims to determine the effect of excellent service on customer satisfaction of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Baraka. The population is Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Baraka customers who are active customers, totaling 15,241 customers. Then the sample that will be taken through the calculation of the slovin formula is 100 customers. Analysis of the data used in solving this problem is to use simple linear regression analysis. Judging from the simple linear regression analysis, the regression equation is Y=12,187+0,696X+e. From the significance test (0.05 level) it was found that the excellent service variable had a significant effect on the customer satisfaction variable. Excellent service affects customer satisfaction, it can be seen by 10 indicators, namely, fast and polite appearance from bank officers, bank officers who are smiling in serving customers, bank officers are ready to serve customers who come, bank officers explain the product well so it is easy to reach, staff the bank responds to customer complaints, the bank appreciates every customer who comes, the dexterity of bank officers in serving customers, providing criticism and suggestions, bank officers providing services according to the wishes and needs of customers, and bank officers completing services to customers completely.
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