This study aims to analyse the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction of BRILink agents in West Balikpapan sub-district. The data analysis used is descriptive quantitative method with data collection technique through questionnaire. The sample in this research is 387 people as customers of BRILink Agent in West Balikpapan District. Based on the result of the research, it can be known that Tangible, Reliability, Responsive, Assurance and Emphaty variables simultaneously have significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Meanwhile, the variables of Responsive, Assurance and Emphaty partially have significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. Meanwhile, the Tangible and Reliability variables partially have no effect on Customer Satisfaction. In this case, Customer Satisfaction is the top priority in this study because of the increasingly fierce competition between one company and another. One way to create customer satisfaction is to improve service quality in the form of Tangible, Reliability, Responsive, Assurance and Emphaty.
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